Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Natural Anti Aging Supplements, the Truth Uncovered

The health and beauty industry is thriving, thanks to billions of dollars spent by men and women worldwide each year. For consumers, understanding which products really work is sometimes a confusing journey. When it comes to anti aging supplements, there are many things to discover to be sure that your chosen supplement helps you stay younger, longer.
What Anti Aging Supplements Are Available?
Just as with other areas of medicine, trends in anti aging supplements come and go, one thing that is certain is that as medical technology improves, so do the quality and benefits of the anti aging supplements that are available. There are several supplements that are available on the market today. Some of these include:
Coenzyme Q10 – This amazing enzyme helps the body regulate the oxidation of sugars and fats as the body turns it into energy. Suffering in aging adults decreases 50% compared to that of young adults. Coenzyme Q10 can work to improve cellular energy.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids – These important acids are well recognised to help fight heart disease. They are believed to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and facilitate health arterial blood flow.
Green Tea Extracts – The most important factor of green tea is its high potency of antioxidants. Assisting with repairing and fighting against damage on a cellular level, green tea extracts can assist in overall health and decrease illness.
Resveratrol – One of the newest anti aging supplements, resveratrol is one of the most promising by far. A natural compound found in grape skin, resveratrol has been hailed as a fountain of youth that can assist with in the fight against cancer, heart disease, and make us younger.
Dr Oz, a well-respected doctor who advises Oprah, and many other highly respected scientists absolutely believe that resveratrol is one of the greatest new discoveries in natural science.